AM/CAN CH. East Hill Windfall Tyler x Chocklabs Dawson
Description: With a heavy heart. Chocklabs High Altitude (Summit) 1/1/2009 - 4/25/2018.
Health Cerfs: Summit:: 01/01/2009
82 lbs (02-12-13) AKC SR54027 907 Microchip 035.033.797 Optigen B Cerf LR-54782 Full Dentition CHIC-75593 OFA LR-194232G31M-VPI-31 OFEL LR-EL52001M31-VPI-31 Breeder- Jo Morris
Show News:12-18 1/W/BOW Jon R. Cole 6/20/10 (1pt)
Am Bred 1/WD/BOB Jerry M. Watson 11/12/10 (1pt)Am Bred 1/WD1 Mrs. Suzxanne Dillin 06/14/10 (1pt)
BBE 1/W Norman L. Patton 06/17/11 (1pt) BBE/1/W/BW Mrs. Pat Mowbray-Morgan 06/18/11 (1pt) BBE/1/W/BW/BBE Mrs. Robert S. Forsyth 06/19/11 (1pt) BBE 1/W Gary Cooper 06/16/12 (1pt) BBE 1/W/OS/BBE/BBEG1 Mrs. Carol Cooper 06/17/12 (1pt)
Summit and Lucky dog having a great day,, Summit decided to take a spa
6248 Skegemog Pt. Road
Williamsburg, Michigan 49690
1.231.342.9671 (cell)